How to remove papilloma?

It turns out that almost everyone has skin growth. But not everyone associates their attention with the appearance of spots and new moles.

This is not entirely correct. In most cases, these are benign forms. The doctor recommended to delete it. A dermatologist or STD specialist will tell you how to remove the papilloma.How to remove papilloma

Causes of papilloma

Skin growth occurs under the influence of human papillomavirus. With one name, about 100 viruses have caused the appearance of tumors with the most diverse shapes, colors, and sizes. These viruses enter the skin or mucous membranes and are there forever.

Currently, pharmacists cannot provide medicines that can eliminate this pathogen. But doctors have found a way to fight HPV, we will discuss it later.

For a long time, the human defense system can inhibit the life activities of the virus, so the first symptoms of the disease appear within a week or even a few years. It all depends on a person's immunity.

If the immune system can deal with the virus, why do papilloma appear?As mentioned above, the virus always exists in the body. Once the defense system is weakened, it will immediately activate and grow on the skin.

Immunity is weakened due to the following reasons:

  • Hormonal disorders (pregnancy, breastfeeding, taking hormonal drugs).
  • Existence of bad habits (drugs, cigarettes, alcoholism).
  • Unbalanced nutrition
  • Exacerbation of chronic or congenital diseases.
  • Overweight.
  • Long-term drug use
  • Sexual intercourse.
  • I often catch colds

If the human body is exposed to these factors, tumors will appear. Doctors recommend removing papillomas, although they are not harmful to human life.

Why remove warts and growths

If the existing papilloma is not treated in time, many consequences may occur.

  1. Some tumors appear under the influence of oncogenic viruses. Such growth easily degenerates into malignant formation, and as a result, cancer develops.
  2. Papilloma usually appears on the skin and clothing. This means that the accumulation will be permanently damaged. Small wounds or cracks are the gateway to secondary infection. Damaged papillomas do not heal well and sometimes scars are formed here. In the worst case, suppuration may occur, which can cause blood poisoning.
  3. Usually, when the disease is very serious, the patient will go to the doctor, and then there are so many conditions that it is best to choose surgery. Doctors consider this method as a last resort.
  4. Lack of treatment is also dangerous because you can infect family and friends.

How to treat tumors

Traditional medicine not only provides medical treatment, but also one of the methods to remove papilloma. Expect the treatment to be comprehensive. This will help reduce the risk of tumor recurrence.In some cases, after taking the medicine, the growth will disappear on its own, and there is no need to choose the method to remove the papilloma.In this case, it may happen:

  • The tumor is new(Appeared recently).
  • Human immunity is very good.


As mentioned above, there is no cure for HPV. But doctors prescribe some common antiviral drugs, which can reduce the activity of pathogens. Then, it depends on human immunity. If the body’s protective function is impaired, the attending physician will recommend that you also take immunostimulants, immunomodulators and vitamin complexes.

In the pharmacy, you can find medicines that help remove papillomaThese are ointments, creams, and concentrates. They are applied directly to the formation.Prescribing this treatment for yourself or others is not worthwhile.These products contain very corrosive acids or alkalis.

Using them without consulting a doctor may result in:

  • Damage to papilloma
  • Increase the number of entities
  • Burns healthy skin.
  • Scarred scars

Papilloma removal method

Modern medicine provides several effective methods to remove tumors. They are painless and effective. If the growth is large or large, you need to complete several steps, but if the papilloma is small and relatively new, you only need to go to the control room once.


Removal of papilloma with liquid nitrogen

Surgical removal of papillomais rarely chosen as the basic treatment. The procedure is performed in an operating room under general anesthesia. Scars are usually left after surgery.

The instructions for this deletion method are:

  1. Large area of ​​tumor lesions.
  2. Significant growth size.
  3. No other methods can be used.

Compared with surgery, we will learn about modern papilloma resection methods below, which pass faster and have good results.


Due to this process, the papilloma is burnt with liquid nitrogen.Patients call this therapy freezing. Under the influence of low temperature, the tumor is destroyed from the inside and disappears after a period of time.

This process is effective, but there are some disadvantages:

  • Even experienced experts can hardly control the depth of the impact. Therefore, if the substance passes too deep, it may burn healthy areas of the skin, or a second step of treatment may be necessary. In this case, the low temperature does not affect the entire papilloma, and the infected area still exists.
  • Scarring may appear.
  • Pain during surgery (personal sensitivity to pain)

Laser therapy

This is the most popular process.Laser removal of papilloma is very fast and almost painless. If the operation is performed on a very sensitive area of ​​the skin, use local anesthesia.Laser removal of papilloma

The process is performed as follows:

  1. The doctor uses a laser to gradually remove every layer of the affected cells.
  2. There is no blood, because the light beam will immediately burn the blood vessels.

So you can completely eliminate all education and not even leave the smallest infected area. You can recover one week after the operation. Importantly, scars or scars after laser removal are extremely rare.


This process is very similar to the previous one. High frequency current can remove papilloma.This process is absolutely safe, so it is recommended for children.For small patients, the procedure is performed under general anesthesia. Adults use local anesthesia

Electrocoagulation can remove large and small formations. In this case, after resection, the papilloma is not burned, but removed, so it can be checked for cancerous growth. In addition, because all blood vessels are treated immediately, bleeding during surgery is absolutely ruled out.

The disadvantage of this type of removal is the possibility of scarring or recurrent papilloma.

Radio wave offset

Use radio waves to remove papilloma

For this process, the doctor uses a special knife to generate radio waves. Under their influence, the papilloma was removed.Because of the high precision of the process, it will not harm healthy tissues, so there are no burns or other injuries.

Relapse after such a procedure is rare. Although patients with a high pain threshold will not feel any discomfort, local anesthesia is recommended to relieve pain.

Use radio wave method to remove benign small tumors. It is forbidden to remove malignant tumors in this way.

Of course, the doctor decides to compare the possible negative effects of the operation with the positive results, so as to eliminate one form or another. At the same time, he only specified the procedure after obtaining the test results.

To sum up, to keep your skin clean and healthy, you need to monitor your health. After treating papilloma virus infection, the doctor can give the following suggestions:

  1. Seek treatment in time.
  2. Avoid sexual intercourse.
  3. Change Power
  4. Get rid of bad habits.
  5. Exercise, but exercise moderately.
  6. Avoid stressful situations