Why do papillomas occur?

Papillomas are benign growths on the skin that occur when the human papilloma virus enters the body. Occurs among representatives of all age groups and both sexes. Despite its benign nature, it may pose the threat of cellular malignancy, which increases dramatically when the tumor is injured.causes of papilloma

What is the cause of papilloma?

The reason is that the papillomavirus enters the body. It causes epithelial cells to grow too quickly and look like a small tumor. Growths can be single or multiple.
The main cause of papillomas is HPV (human papillomavirus). Presumed factors include reduced immunity, hormonal imbalances, pregnancy, and harmful work and living conditions.
This virus is very common. About 90% of the people on earth are carriers of it and don't even know it. Carriers usually do not have the growth in their bodies, but in most cases it can become a source of infection for others. If the immune system is strong, the incubation period of the disease can last for several years, but once the immune system fails, warts will appear on the body. This is why they mostly affect people who live an unhealthy lifestyle or suffer from other medical conditions. Papillomas and warts may develop from long-term work in hazardous industries or in dusty rooms. People who work with hazardous chemicals are at risk.Additionally, papillomas may occur due to:
  • Frequent colds;
  • long-term medication (especially antibiotics);
  • damage to the gastrointestinal tract;
  • An allergic reaction in the body.

What causes papillomas to appear in areas of friction?

One of the most common answers to the question of why papillomas appear in the neck is friction and damage to the skin. If your skin has been affected by wearing tight clothing or jewelry, you are likely to develop growths, especially if you have a low immune system and hormonal imbalances.For the same reason, obese women also develop growths under their armpits, under their breasts, and in skin and fat folds. In this condition, older adults are more likely to develop keratomas — flat tumors caused by the same type of papillomavirus.

Why do women develop papillomas?

For women, the likelihood of developing papillomas increases not only with declining immunity levels, but also with hormonal imbalances. This condition may occur due to frequent stress, depression, overnutrition and weight gain. Papillomas may develop after long-term use of oral contraceptives and hormone therapy.The virus has the potential to be transmitted genetically. This is especially true for the virus that causes genital warts.

Why do men develop papillomas?

In men, papillomas most commonly occur in the genital area, anus, and armpits. There are growths on hands and face. The reason lies in bad living habits and unprotected sexual intercourse. People with non-traditional sexual orientations are particularly susceptible to tumors in the lower parts of the body. The virus is passed from partner to partner during friction. In this case, the tumor spreads to the inner surface of the anus as well as the mouth.

papilloma during pregnancy

A woman's immune system weakens during pregnancy. At the same time, hormonal balance is also disrupted. This creates a favorable environment for papillomas to develop in the body during pregnancy, even if the viral infection occurred many years ago. In pregnant women, tumors can affect not only the hands, face, or genitals, but also the larynx, trachea, and other internal organs. If papillomas develop during pregnancy, you should notify your doctor as soon as possible.

Causes of Papillomas in Children

Growths appear on the hands and knees in children between six months and one and a half years old. The cause is constant friction against the skin when crawling and falling. The virus penetrates the skin and progresses rapidly in people with weakened immunity.Among preschool and school-age children, infections often occur in public places such as kindergartens, swimming pools, and gyms. This is due to high humidity, which is conducive to the spread of viruses. In this case, infections may also occur due to weakened immunity if the child is often sick and does not adhere to hygiene standards: biting nails, rarely washing hands, tearing scabs off healing wounds, etc.

What to do if papillomas start to appear

It is important to understand that papillomas themselves are the result of viral introduction. Not only does it in itself lead to the appearance of tumors that can develop into cancer, it also disrupts the functioning of the entire body. Therefore, if you develop warts or multiple papillomas on your body, you should seek the help of a dermatologist immediately.attention!This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute scientific material or medical advice under any circumstances and does not replace a face-to-face consultation with a professional physician. For diagnosis, diagnosis and treatment, please contact a qualified physician!